
Salmonella infection accelerates postnatal maturation of the intestinal epithelium

Stefan Schlößer, Anna-Lena Ullrich, Nastaran Fazel Modares, Matthias A. Schmitz, Johannes Schöneich, Kaiyi Zhang, Isabel Richter, Laura Robrahn, Sarah Schraven, James S. Nagai, Sven-Bastiaan Haange, Susan A. V. Jennings, Thomas Clavel, Ulrike Rolle-Kampczyk, Fabian Kiessling, Ivan G. Costa, Vanesa Muncan, Urska Repnik, Martin von Bergen, Aline Dupont, and Mathias W. Hornef

Circulating NK cells establish tissue residency upon acute infection of skin and mediate accelerated effector responses to secondary infection

Tommaso Torcellan, Christin Friedrich, Rémi Doucet-Ladevèze, Thomas Ossner, Virgínia Visaconill Solé, Sofie Riedmann, Milas Ugur, Fabian Imdahl, Stephan P. Rosshart, Sebastian J. Arnold, Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, Nicola Gagliani, Richard A. Flavell, Simone Backes, Wolfgang Kastenmüller, Georg Gasteiger 

E-selectin-mediated rapid NLRP3 inflammasome activation regulates S100A8/S100A9 release from neutrophils via transient gasdermin D pore formation

Monika Pruenster, Roland Immler, Jonas Roth, Tim Kuchler, Thomas Bromberger, Matteo Napoli, Katrin Nussbaumer, Ina Rohwedder, Lou Martha Wackerbarth, Chiara Piantoni, Konstantin Hennis, Diana Fink, Sebastian Kallabis, Tobias Schroll, Sergi Masgrau-Alsina, Agnes Budke, Wang Liu, Dietmar Vestweber, Christian Wahl-Schott, Johannes Roth, Felix Meissner, Markus Moser, Thomas Vogl, Veit Hornung, Petr Broz & Markus Sperandio




***SPECIAL EVENT*** PILOT International Symposium on Perinatal and Early Life Immunity

PILOT will be hosting an International Symposium on Perinatal and Early Life Immunity  from 9-12 April 2025 at the Historisches Kaufhaus in Freiburg

We already have a fantastic line-up of invited speakers for this event. We plan to complement this with talks selected on the basis of abstracts and there will also be opportunities to present posters.

More details will be posted here as they are finalized; in the meantime, please save the date!