
Perinatal fate decisions of macrophages in protected tissues

Graphical abstract for Project B0

This project expands our previous work on myeloid cell development starting in embryonic life by delineating patterns of ontogeny, underlying transcriptional programs and molecular signals driving the perinatal development of parenchymal (pMφ) as opposed to perivascular Mφ (periMφ). The project focuses on tissues that are largely protected from direct microbial contact (brain, heart, kidney) and exploits novel fate mapping systems, single-cell profiling and cell-specific mutants to define pre- to postnatal check points, tissue-specific niches and cues that modify the fate and function of pMφ and periMφ.



Multiomic spatial landscape of innate immune cells at human central nervous system borders

Roman Sankowski, Patrick Süß, Alexander Benkendorff, Chotima Böttcher, Camila Fernandez-Zapata, Chintan Chhatbar, Jonathan Cahueau, Gianni Monaco, Adrià Dalmau Gasull, Ashkan Khavaran, Jürgen Grauvogel, Christian Scheiwe, Mukesch Johannes Shah, Dieter Henrik Heiland, Oliver Schnell, Filiz Markfeld-Erol, Mirjam Kunze, Robert Zeiser, Josef Priller & Marco Prinz